Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Blog Entry 3

My Capstone will include building an example on a preexisting software and demonstrating the use. It will not require the purchase of material to create but other presentation props such as a board or poster will be made and brought. I will attach my poster to a tri-fold board to make sure it stands up correctly and I will supply extra information and examples on the two side flaps. I do not need a three dimensional example or simulation because education and the outcomes can not be predicted, only speculated and hypothesized. I plan to dress in a scholarly way. I will dress appropriately. I will dress as a professor in middle school or will dress similar to a student. I am focused on education so it is the right thing to dress as. If I am unable to dress the part, I will wear a suit and present as so. Important parts to show in my presentation would be the facts pertaining to the lack of proper education or the benefits of my solution to those issues. I think I am going to make a brochure. I have yet to organize my thoughts properly in order to convey them as I wish. The brochure is a process right now. I will show a presentation of animation hopefully. I plan to show an example of how the presentation will be used and how the effects will transpire. Of course the simulation will not properly show results and is not intended to. It is to show how the program will be implemented and be presented as an example.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Visual Presentation

My Capstone wont have a whimsical look per say. I will have a very high spirited layout and bright colors to intrigue the eye. I will be using primary colors such as green, red, and blue to evoke little kids to watch and to listen. If I create a video to help support this, I will you use comedy to keep attention because I know that education can be a very boring topic. This is especially evident in younger generations of kids. I will create a flowing chart to guide the viewers yes across my information and use simple but recognizable images to help create a link between information and application. A good example of this would be from Youtube. In the video we are taught of simple fundamentals of science through a funny and educational video. An even better example that most people should know about is Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Infographic Poster

Capstone Project Statement

The goal of senior project to the whole student body is to create a sense of real life college situations with progressive tasks. The goal of my senior project is to create a new model of education. I do not plan on tampering with lessons that are taught in school. Rather, I hope to create a new form that is easily understandable to students and connects with different learning styles. This is important to me because my little brother struggles with different styles of teaching used by his teachers. They all are different and I hope to create a format to follow, allowing further understanding for all students, no matter how students learn best. It is important because it will help raise our standard of education and raise our rank globally. My intended career is to become a firefighter now, but I was planning on becoming a teacher in August. This would have helped me to understand how students learn and what teachers do to play to that strength, if teachers do this at all. My project gives back to the society because the public education system is what got me to where I am and I would like to improve it and make it better if possible.